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来源于 新职网 2024-01-08 08:37

1. Fo Syles

The mos commoly used fo syles i Eglish resume wriig are Arial, Calibri, ad Times ew Roma. These hree fos are easy o read ad suiable for all ypes of resumes. Arial is a sas-serif fo, which is simple ad moder-lookig; Calibri is a sas-serif fo, which is similar o Arial bu has more eye-cachig appearace; Times ew Roma is a serif fo, which is radiioal ad formal-lookig.

2. Fo Size

The fo size of Eglish resumes should be bewee 10 ad 12 pois. The larger he fo size, he easier i is o read, bu i may also ake up more space. The smaller he fo size, he more cocise he resume will be, bu i may also make i harder o read. Therefore, you should choose a suiable fo size accordig o your ow siuaio.

3. Fo Color

The fo color of Eglish resumes should be black or blue. Black is radiioal ad formal-lookig, while blue is more cocise ad readable. If you wa o make your resume more disicive, you ca also use some oher colors, bu do o use oo brigh or oo dark colors, because hey will affec he readabiliy of your resume.

4. Lie Spacig

The lie spacig of Eglish resumes should be bewee 1.0 ad 1.5 imes he fo size. If he lie spacig is oo small, i will make your resume dese ad hard o read; if he lie spacig is oo large, i will make your resume scaered ad o focused. Therefore, you should choose a suiable lie spacig accordig o your ow siuaio.

5. Aligme

The aligme of Eglish resumes should be lef-aliged or fully jusified. Lef-aliged is simple ad cocise, while fully jusified is more formal-lookig. You ca choose he appropriae aligme accordig o he ype of job you wa o apply for ad your ow characerisics.

6. Header ad Fooer

The header ad fooer of Eglish resumes should iclude your ame, coac iformaio, ad keywords, respecively. These iformaio should be cocise ad easy o read, ad should be cosise wih he iformaio i your resume coe. I addiio, you ca add some simple graphics or logos o he header ad fooer o make your resume more disicive. However, do o add oo much graphics or logos, because hey will affec he readabiliy of your resume.

7. Graphics ad Logos

I Eglish resumes, simple graphics ad logos ca be added o ehace he visual effec of your resume, bu hey should o be oo complex or oo large. If you wa o add a logo, you ca add i o he header or fooer of your resume, bu do o add oo may logos, because hey will affec he readabiliy of your resume. I addiio, if you wa o add graphics or logos, you should make sure ha hey are releva o your job applicaio ad ca help promoe your image.

8. Recommedaios

Fially, whe wriig Eglish resumes, we recommed ha you pay aeio o he followig pois: firs, cocise ad focused; secod, clear layou ad easy-o-read ex; hird, use keywords ha mach he job requiremes; fourh, use posiive laguage o show your abiliy ad experiece; fifh, highligh your sreghs ad characerisics; sixh, follow he requiremes of he job applicaio forma; seveh, proofread your resume carefully o esure accuracy ad professioalism.
