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来源于 新职网 2023-12-23 04:55

Resume Templae


1. Persoal Iformaio---------------

```mahemaicaame: ________________Geder: ________________Dae of Birh: ________________Email: ________________Tel: ________________Address: ________________```

2. Educaio Backgroud--------------------

### Uiversiy Level

School ame: ________________ Degree: ________________ Major: ________________ Graduaio Dae: ________________

### High School Level

School ame: ________________ Graduaio Dae: ________________

3. Work Experiece-------------

### Compay ame 1

Job Tile: ________________ Duies ad Resposibiliies: ________________ Duraio: ________________ - ________________

### Compay ame 2

Job Tile: ________________ Duies ad Resposibiliies: ________________ Duraio: ________________ - ________________

4. Professioal Skills ad Qualificaios------------------------------

Sofware: ________________ (e.g., MS Office, Adobe Creaive Suie) Laguage: ________________ (e.g., Eglish - Advaced, Frech - Iermediae) Cerificaes: ________________ (e.g., TOEFL, IELTS)

5. Awards ad Recogiio---------------

Award/Recogiio ame: ________________ (Deails of he award) Award/Recogiio ame: ________________ (Deails of he award)

6. Social Aciviies ad Volueer Experiece----------------------------

Orgaizaio/Club: ________________ (e.g., Roary Club, eighborhood Wach) Role/Resposibiliy: ________________ (e.g., Member, Eve Coordiaor) Duraio: ________________ - ________________

7. Persoal Ieress ad Hobbies---------------
