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来源于 新职网 2023-12-04 23:26

How o Wrie a Effecive Eglish Resume

A Eglish resume is a criical compoe of job-seekig, as i showcases your experiece, skills, ad achievemes i a cocise ad orgaized maer. Here's how o craf a effecive Eglish resume, coverig all he esseial secios:

1. Persoal Iformaio

Sar by providig your persoal deails, icludig your ame, dae of birh, email address, ad phoe umber. This secio also icludes your address if you prefer o iclude i.

2. Educaio Backgroud

The educaio secio deailig your qualificaios, degrees, ad isiuios aeded should come ex. Lis he mos rece degree firs ad provide he year of graduaio. If you have ay releva coursework or cerificaios, be sure o iclude hem as well.

3. Work Experiece

I his secio, provide a brief overview of your job resposibiliies ad achievemes i each posiio held. Meio he compay ame, locaio, duraio of employme, ad he iles you held. Lis he mos rece job firs ad prioriize releva experiece.

4. Skills u0026 Experise

I his secio, highligh your skills ad experise by caegorizig hem io broad caegories such as echical skills, commuicaio skills, leadership skills, ad so o. Lis he op skills ha are releva o he job you're applyig for.

5. Laguage Abiliies

If you possess laguage skills oher ha Eglish, such as Frech or Spaish, meio hem i his secio. This ca ac as a valuable asse i a muliligual workplace.

6. Hoors u0026 Awards

I his secio, lis ay hoors or awards you have received for your achievemes or coribuios a school, work, or i oher orgaizaios. This secio showcases your value o he orgaizaio.

7. Persoal Ieress

This secio allows you o showcase your persoal ieress, hobbies, or commuiy ivolveme. I ca help o humaize you ad may eve foser a coecio wih he reader. However, i's esseial o esure ha hese ieress are appropriae ad releva o he job you're applyig for.

8. Coac Iformaio

Fially, provide your coac iformaio i a clear ad cocise maer. This ypically icludes your email address ad phoe umber. You may also iclude your LikedI profile lik if i's appropriae for he job you're applyig for.

Remember o proofread ad edi your resume for grammar errors, cosisecy, ad accuracy. Highligh your sreghs ad achievemes o make your resume sad ou from he compeiio.
