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来源于 新职网 2024-01-11 14:47

英文简历 Word 格式模板

1. Coac Iformaio

ame: Full ame

Email: example@example.com

Phoe: 123-456-7890

Address: Sree Address, Ciy, Provice, Posal Code

2. Objecive/Summary Saeme

The objecive saeme is a brief iroducio of your career goals ad qualificaios. I should be clear, cocise, ad ailored o he posiio you are applyig for.

as a [posiio] i [idusry] where I ca uilize my skills ad experiece o coribue o he compay's success. ad resposibiliies, icludig ay releva achievemes or accomplishmes.


4. Educaio

School ame, Program, Ciy, Provice, Sar Dae - Ed Dae

Grade Poi Average (GPA)


Example: ] i [ciy, provice]. My GPA was [GPA], ad my major/mior/coceraio was [major/mior/coceraio]. job. Use bulle pois o lis each skill.

Example: or career. Use bulle pois o lis each award or recogiio.

Example: Ieress ad Hobbies Lis ay ieress or hobbies ha you ejoy or have a passio for. This secio allows you o showcase your persoaliy ad provide employers wih a glimpse io who you are ouside of work. Example: I my free ime, I ejoy [ieres/hobby]. This allows me o [beefi/experiece somehig relaed o ieres/hobby]. refereces. These should be idividuals who ca evaluae your work performace ad characer rais ad who have ifluece i he idusry you are applyig for. Example: job applicaio process. They ca provide employers wih a idepede evaluaio of your abiliies ad characer rais. I is impora o choose refereces who have a good udersadig of your work performace ad ca provide posiive feedback abou your qualificaios for he posiio you are applyig for.
